DurÂing the run up to the Iraq war, the Bush adminÂisÂtraÂtion estiÂmatÂed that the milÂiÂtary misÂsion would run around $50 bilÂlion, even though experts doubtÂed those numÂbers at the time. (In 2002, Yale’s William NordÂhaus guessed that the costs could reach $500 bilÂlion withÂin five years.) Now, here we are in 2008, and new talÂlies sugÂgest that the real costs could rise to someÂwhere between $1 trilÂlion and $3 trilÂlion. This award-winÂning piece — MP3 — iTunes — Feed — delinÂeates the mountÂing costs and introÂduces you to some of thinkÂing in Joseph Stiglitz and LinÂda Bilmes’ new book: The Three TrilÂlion DolÂlar War.
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