LibÂerÂals outÂnumÂber conÂserÂvÂaÂtives in the acadÂeÂmy. That’s a known fact. What explains this diverÂgence? Some have attribÂuted it to libÂerÂals creÂatÂing a hosÂtile enviÂronÂment for conÂserÂvÂaÂtives. But new research calls that view into quesÂtion and offers an intriguÂing alterÂnaÂtive explaÂnaÂtion.
As described in The ChronÂiÂcle of HighÂer EduÂcaÂtion, Matthew WoessÂner (a conÂserÂvÂaÂtive acaÂdÂeÂmÂic) and April KelÂly-WoessÂner (a libÂerÂal acaÂdÂeÂmÂic) looked at surÂveys comÂpletÂed by 15,569 colÂlege seniors, and what an analyÂsis of the data sugÂgests is that “the perÂsonÂal priÂorÂiÂties of those on the left are more comÂpatÂiÂble with purÂsuÂing a Ph.D.” “LibÂerÂalÂism is more closeÂly assoÂciÂatÂed with a desire for exciteÂment, an interÂest in creÂative outÂlets, and an averÂsion to a strucÂtured work enviÂronÂment. ConÂserÂvÂaÂtives express greater interÂest in finanÂcial sucÂcess and stronger desires to raise famÂiÂlies. From this perÂspecÂtive, the ideÂoÂlogÂiÂcal imbalÂance that perÂmeÂates much of acadÂeÂmia may be someÂwhat intractable.” Or, put difÂferÂentÂly, this imbalÂance may not be going away any time soon.
To delve furÂther into their research, you can read their report online here.
Would you not also say that hisÂtorÂiÂcalÂly it is true that in genÂerÂal “libÂerÂals” believe that sciÂence and research will reveal answers to improve the human conÂdiÂtion (humanÂism), whereÂas conÂserÂvÂaÂtives have tendÂed to have viewed creÂation as a divine order which is inherÂentÂly, thereÂfore, imposÂsiÂble for man to fulÂly underÂstand and masÂter?
If this is the case, then there is obviÂousÂly more motiÂvaÂtion for the libÂerÂal thinker than the conÂserÂvÂaÂtive thinker to purÂsue highÂer-levÂel research.
(I do not think that there are many who hold fast to either posiÂtion as outÂlined above; I am preÂsentÂing genÂerÂalÂiÂties to see whether we can find any answers through these stereoÂtypes.)