Cracking Tarantino

“Taran­ti­no’s Mind,” an award win­ning short film from Brazil, decodes the fil­mog­ra­phy of Quentin Taran­ti­no, draw­ing con­nec­tions most Taran­ti­no fans might not have drawn them­selves. Act­ing in the film is Seu Jorge, a great Brazil­ian musi­cian (check this album out) who has gained recent fame in the US. The clip runs a good ten min­utes. The only down­sides are the small sub­ti­tles and lan­guage not suit­able for puri­tan­i­cal types. But we are in Taran­ti­no ter­ri­to­ry, so what could you real­ly expect? (The video below has been added to our YouTube Playlist.)

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