Click here for 250 Free Online CoursÂes From Great UniÂverÂsiÂties
YesÂterÂday, Yale announced that it is proÂvidÂing “free and open access to sevÂen introÂducÂtoÂry coursÂes taught by disÂtinÂguished teachÂers and scholÂars at Yale UniÂverÂsiÂty.” I’ve listÂed the course lineÂup below, with links to each course. You can access the homeÂpage for the project here.
With this launch, Yale becomes the latÂest presÂtiÂgious AmerÂiÂcan uniÂverÂsiÂty to give globÂal users access to online eduÂcaÂtionÂal conÂtent. But its approach is rather difÂferÂent. The high proÂfile iniÂtiaÂtives led by MIT and UC BerkeÂley both delivÂer high volÂumes of conÂtent, and they’re designed to be scalÂable. (MIT gives users access to mass quanÂtiÂties of course mateÂriÂals creÂatÂed by its facÂulÂty, while BerkeÂley disÂtribÂutes through iTunes and YouTube over 50 coursÂes that the uniÂverÂsiÂty records at a reaÂsonÂable cost.) In conÂtrast, Yale’s project is more bouÂtique and high-touch.
Each course feaÂtures a sylÂlabus, readÂing assignÂments, class notes, and polÂished lecÂtures, which, when takÂen togethÂer, conÂtribute to a more roundÂed learnÂing expeÂriÂence. The lecÂtures can be downÂloaded in one of five forÂmats (text, audio, flash video, low bandÂwidth quickÂtime video, and high bandÂwidth quickÂtime video). And quite notably, Yale has designed the coursÂes to be downÂloaded fairÂly easÂiÂly, which means that you can put the lecÂtures onto an mp3 playÂer if you’re a litÂtle tech savvy. This does raise the quesÂtion, howÂevÂer: why aren’t the lecÂtures also postÂed on Yale’s iTunes site? This would sureÂly facilÂiÂtate the downÂloadÂing of lecÂtures for many users, and it would offer an easy way to driÂve subÂstanÂtial trafÂfic to the coursÂes.
As some have already notÂed (see the comÂments on this page), Yale isn’t offerÂing online coursÂes in the truest sense, meanÂing you won’t get access to a live instrucÂtor here. Nor will you be able to interÂact with othÂer stuÂdents. It’s a one-way, soliÂtary eduÂcaÂtionÂal expeÂriÂence. But there’s a reaÂson for that. Not long ago, Yale experÂiÂmentÂed with a more comÂpreÂhenÂsive form of online learnÂing when it creÂatÂed, along with StanÂford and Oxford, an e‑learning conÂsorÂtium called “The Alliance for LifeÂlong LearnÂing” (a/k/a AllÂLearn). For many reaÂsons, the venÂture (where I spent five years) wasÂn’t ultiÂmatÂley viable. And so Yale has optÂed for anothÂer modÂel that has its own virtues — it’s less capÂiÂtal intenÂsive; it’s free (AllÂLearn charged for its coursÂes); and it will get eduÂcaÂtionÂal mateÂriÂals into far more peoÂple’s hands, which is perÂhaps what matÂters most.
As a quick note, let me add that this project was fundÂed by the Hewlett FounÂdaÂtion, and Yale expects to add up to 30 addiÂtionÂal coursÂes over the next sevÂerÂal years.
To visÂit Yale’s open coursÂes, visÂit the folÂlowÂing links:
- AstronÂoÂmy 160: FronÂtiers and ConÂtroÂverÂsies in AstroÂphysics
- EngÂlish 310: ModÂern PoetÂry
- PhiÂlosÂoÂphy 176: Death
- Physics 200: FunÂdaÂmenÂtals of Physics
- PolitÂiÂcal SciÂence 114: IntroÂducÂtion to PolitÂiÂcal PhiÂlosÂoÂphy
- PsyÂcholÂoÂgy 110: IntroÂducÂtion to PsyÂcholÂoÂgy
- ReliÂgious StudÂies 145: IntroÂducÂtion to the Old TesÂtaÂment
I’m a curÂrent Yale stuÂdent, and I’m glad that they’re rolling out this more comÂpreÂhenÂsive supÂport for open online coursÂes… howÂevÂer, I wish that they also comÂpleÂmentÂed this with MIT style course availÂabilÂiÂty which even HarÂvard has for large lecÂtures, because it would be great to be able to have lecÂtures to comÂpleÂment norÂmal study and just for genÂerÂal learnÂing as a great resource and for stuÂdents lookÂing to go beyond course evalÂuÂaÂtions to see if proÂfesÂsors are any good.
Sir, The Yale coursÂes are truÂly excelÂlent. The tranÂscripts and readÂings are priceÂless for those of us who learn by readÂing not by lisÂtenÂing. HowÂevÂer, printÂing some of the tranÂscripts is like printÂing the last line of an optometrists eye chart. In addiÂtion some of the tranÂscripts canÂnot be printÂed at all or print with dropped words and lines at the right side. I can’t seem to get around this glitch. I have conÂtactÂed you before but nothÂing seems to change.
prof.L. Hammond,obviously a scholÂar, would allow his interÂnet stuÂdents to appreÂciÂate his eruÂdiÂtion if he focused more on an expliÂcaÂtion of the text(poems). I feel an inorÂdiÂnate periÂod of time in his lecÂtures in the ModÂern AmerÂiÂcan PoetÂry course is spent on backÂground mateÂrÂiÂal: biogÂraÂphy, phiÂlosÂoÂphy, psyÂcholÂoÂgy, meter, scanÂsion. Short shrift was givÂen to examÂinÂing the text of “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.