The 20 Best iPod Utilities

ipodclass3.jpgLife­hack­er has assem­bled a great list that will help you max­i­mize the use of your iPod. Here, they point you to free soft­ware that will let you 1) rip a DVD to your iPod, 2) copy music and videos to and from your iPod, and also from and to any com­put­er, 3) load videos (and par­tic­u­lar­ly YouTube videos) to you iPod, 4) put Wikipedia on your iPod, 5) free your­self from using iTunes, 6) back­up your iPod, etc.

Check out the full list here and learn to make your iPod a bet­ter learning/entertainment tool.

PS: A very sim­i­lar list of iPod tips was pub­lished a few days ago over at, and they were kind of enough to include a link to one of our old fea­tures. Have a look here too.

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  • Carol A says:

    What I would like to see is some real­ly good soft­ware that lets me man­age pod­casts for my non-ipod! (And don’t say Juice — it’s a lemon!) Itunes puts every­thing into a fold­er called “pod­casts” whether it is an audio book or a news arti­cle, resort­ing it and re-tag­ging is a painful pro­ce­dure. I use Win­dows Media play­er but this can be rather quirky. If not tagged cor­rect­ly it gets jum­bled when moved onto my San­disk Sansa.

  • Pachecus says:

    thanks for adding my site. ;)

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