No Country for Old Men: The Coen Brothers’ Latest

The film­mak­ers who brought you Far­go, Bar­ton Fink, and O Broth­er, Where Art Thou? have released their lat­est film based on a nov­el by Cor­mac McCarthy. No Coun­try for Old Men is, as The New York­er puts it, “a return to the dark, sim­mer­ing days of their best work, in Blood Sim­ple and Miller’s Cross­ing,” which is anoth­er way of say­ing that the film is vio­lent, but also extreme­ly well made. So far, there’s been no short­age of pos­i­tive reviews (look here for exam­ple). But, as always, you’ll find the occa­sion­al pan. Below, we have post­ed some scenes from the film, and we’ll leave you with this print­ed inter­view with Joel and Ethan Coen.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.