Times Online (the large UK-based news webÂsite) has postÂed today a feaÂture that offers an introÂducÂtion to podÂcastÂing. It explains the whos, hows, whats, etc. and proÂvides some helpÂful links, includÂing one to our colÂlecÂtion of ForÂeign LanÂguage LesÂson PodÂcasts.
PodÂcastÂing offers an amazÂing way to access free, high-qualÂiÂty media, across many topÂics, wherÂevÂer and whenÂevÂer you want it. And it’s someÂthing that even technoÂphobes can easÂiÂly figÂure out. For more inforÂmaÂtion on how to work with podÂcasts, see our our PodÂcast Primer. We take you through podÂcastÂing step-by-step. Also check out our extenÂsive PodÂcast Library, which gives you access to audioÂbooks, culÂturÂal proÂgramÂming, sciÂence podÂcasts, uniÂverÂsiÂty coursÂes and more.
how r u
im MusÂlim
Iwant to admÂmisÂsion in your colÂlege /university