This is just a quick note to let you know that we “re-orged” the AudioÂbook PodÂcast ColÂlecÂtion. The list, which had become a bit unwieldy, is now broÂken down by genre: Literature/Fiction, NonÂficÂtion, and PoetÂry. And, withÂin these catÂeÂgories, the texts are orgaÂnized by the author’s name. HopeÂfulÂly this all makes the colÂlecÂtion easÂiÂer to use. Check it out.
I have realÂly become a great fan of LibÂrivox, perÂhaps those childÂhood memÂoÂries of havÂing stoÂries read to me? And it gives me a chance to catch up on some of the great works of phiÂlosÂoÂphy and hisÂtoÂry durÂing the daiÂly trip to work. I have been tryÂing to think of an easy way to make this mateÂrÂiÂal availÂable to elderÂly relÂaÂtives (not very comÂputÂer savvy)- a portable MP3 CD playÂer might be the answer. Any othÂer ideas?