Philosophers and Theorists on YouTube

When we announced last week that UC Berke­ley had launched a new chan­nel on YouTube, we were curt­ly informed by a Euro­pean read­er that Berke­ley was­n’t the first to get into this game. Appar­ent­ly, the Euro­pean Grad­u­ate School (or EGS) has been at it for a while. The school’s YouTube col­lec­tion fea­tures talks by impor­tant con­tem­po­rary the­o­rists and philoso­phers includ­ing Jacques Der­ri­da, Jean Bau­drillard, and Judith But­ler. (There are also some film­mak­ers mixed in — take for exam­ple, Peter Green­away and John Waters.) To be frank, much of the con­tent runs counter to what we’re look­ing to do here — to make think­ing less insu­lar and empha­size ideas that speak to a think­ing pub­lic. This is not to dis­miss the cal­iber of the think­ing pre­sent­ed here. It’s sim­ply to com­ment on where it fits (or does­n’t fit) into the kind of project that we’re under­tak­ing. How­ev­er, if the ESG YouTube chan­nel speaks to you, dig in. It’s yours to enjoy.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.