SpeakÂing at a conÂferÂence on sciÂence, reliÂgion and phiÂlosÂoÂphy in 1941, Albert EinÂstein famousÂly said that “sciÂence withÂout reliÂgion is lame; reliÂgion withÂout sciÂence is blind.” EinÂstein, a GerÂman-born Jew, conÂsidÂered himÂself reliÂgious. But what he meant by reliÂgion was not straightÂforÂward. The first episode of a two-part podÂcast called EinÂstein and the Mind of God (iTunes — MP3 — Web Site) tries to sort out EinÂstein’s reliÂgious senÂsiÂbilÂiÂty and how it squares with his sciÂenÂtifÂic thinkÂing. For EinÂstein, reliÂgion conÂsistÂed of a belief, not in a perÂsonÂal God, but a uniÂverÂsal spirÂit that manÂiÂfests itself in nature. And it was the task of physics to make sense of nature, of God’s uniÂverse. Or, so that is how it’s explained by FreeÂman Dyson, a famed theÂoÂretÂiÂcal physiÂcist who appears on the show. In the secÂond part, the podÂcast turns to look at EinÂstein’s ethics (iTunes — MP3 — Web Site). Although not withÂout perÂsonÂal flaws (he often fell short in his personal/domestic life), EinÂstein had a strong moral sense informed by his JewÂish upbringÂing. He saw sciÂenÂtists havÂing a deep moral obligÂaÂtion to sociÂety; he took strong posiÂtions against war (except when Hitler came along); he opposed racial disÂcrimÂiÂnaÂtion and lamentÂed the plight of African-AmerÂiÂcans well before the civÂil rights moveÂment; and he laudÂed reliÂgious leadÂers’ efforts to use non-vioÂlent action to oppose immoral conÂdiÂtions. Each of these podÂcasts runs around 53 minÂutes in length, and they form part of a largÂer radio/podcast series called SpeakÂing of Faith (iTunes — Feed — Web Site), which is issued by AmerÂiÂcan PubÂlic Media.
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