David Foster Wallace: Deciderization 2007 Online

Read­ing David Fos­ter Wal­lace (author of Infi­nite Jest and A Sup­pos­ed­ly Fun Thing I’ll Nev­er Do Again) is always a plea­sure. And per­haps even more plea­sur­able is read­ing him for free.

Tomor­row, The Best Amer­i­can Essays 2007 hits the streets. Wal­lace edit­ed the col­lec­tion and kicked it off with a fiery essay of his own. Houghton Mif­flin was good enough (or, rather, mar­ket­ing-savvy enough) to post the essay, The Decider­iza­tion 2007‑A Spe­cial Report, online for free. And some unknown char­ac­ter did us all a favor by cre­at­ing a PDF ver­sion that’s con­sid­er­ably more leg­i­ble and print­er friend­ly. Read away.

For good mea­sure, we’re also throw­ing your way some more dig­i­tal David Fos­ter Wal­lace. Here we have him read­ing his essay “Con­sid­er the Lob­ster” (the text of which you can also read here), plus the author appear­ing on The Char­lie Rose Show here and here. (In both cas­es, his appear­ances come lat­er in the show.) Ciao.

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