Falling Man 9–11

fallingman.jpgOn the anniver­sary of the Sep­tem­ber 11th attacks, it seems fit­ting to call atten­tion to Don DeLil­lo’s Falling Man, a recent addi­tion to the grow­ing body of fic­tion now known as “9/11 nov­el.” How­ev­er you may feel about DeLil­lo’s writ­ing style (we often find that it grates), Falling Man adept­ly cap­tures the emo­tion­al and phys­i­cal haze that sur­round­ed NYC in the wake of the attacks. In inter­views with Guer­ni­ca and NPR’s All Things Con­sid­ered, DeLil­lo talks about the influ­ences that led him to explore the attacks and their after­math from the per­spec­tive of both a ter­ror­ist and a sur­vivor. If lis­ten­ing to the book is more your speed, check out the audio ver­sion at Ama­zon or the down­load at Audi­ble.

This guest post was writ­ten by Noah Elkin.

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