An orgaÂniÂzaÂtion called ColÂlege ScholÂarÂships is offerÂing a $10,000 scholÂarÂship this year for a colÂlege stuÂdent who blogs about “unique and interÂestÂing inforÂmaÂtion about you and/or things you are pasÂsionÂate about.” We’re not shilling for a nomÂiÂnaÂtion here, but perÂhaps you know an aspirÂing blogÂger someÂwhere who could use the extra cash.
This conÂtest raisÂes an interÂestÂing quesÂtion: are there any colÂlege stuÂdents out there who supÂport their eduÂcaÂtion through blogÂging? It’s not a far stretch from workÂing part-time (or full-time) to help pay the bills, but blogÂging seems like an unlikeÂly way to earn enough monÂey to buy books, let alone pay tuition.
Here at UAE UniÂverÂsiÂty, we have some avid bloggers/writers. Could you send me details of the ColÂlege ScholÂarÂship on offer?
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