And now we bring you a pubÂlic serÂvice announceÂment.…
Below, you can watch Al Gore talk about tanÂgiÂble ways that you can be a good enviÂronÂmenÂtal citÂiÂzen. The first 5 minÂutes start with some wit and banÂter that would have served him well in 2000; the next 10 minÂutes get down to some busiÂness.
A few, quick relatÂed items: Google offers a free online copy of Gore’s major book on the enviÂronÂment, Earth in the BalÂance. PubÂlished first in 1992, the book demonÂstrates, among othÂer things, Gore’s susÂtained comÂmitÂment to this issue. Next, if you’ve nevÂer seen An InconÂveÂnient Truth, then you may want to give a lisÂten to Gore’s speech at StanÂford’s GradÂuÂate School of BusiÂness (lisÂten on iTunes here). It covÂers much of the same ground. FinalÂly, this all reminds me of a teleÂviÂsion exposĂ© that Bill MoyÂers aired a few months back. It’s called “Is God Green?,” and it takes a lengthy look at how conÂserÂvÂaÂtive evanÂgelÂiÂcal moveÂments in the US are increasÂingÂly takÂing globÂal warmÂing seriÂousÂly as an issue. (You can watch it here.) And if you know AmerÂiÂca, you know that’s essenÂtial for changÂing the nation’s enviÂronÂmenÂtal poliÂcies.
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I have an interÂestÂing in enviÂronÂmenÂtal criÂsis.