The New York Times surÂveyed a series of well-known writÂers and asked them what books they’ve read and enjoyed lateÂly. Here is what they had to recÂomÂmend. For the record, the list of writÂers includes, among othÂers, Nora Ephron, Dave Eggers, UrsuÂla K. Le Guin, Jonathan Safran Foer, Colm ToibÂin, and JefÂfrey Eugenides.
Among the titles you’ll find recÂomÂmendÂed are The OmniÂvore’s DilemÂma (Michael PolÂlan), The Cave (Jose SaraÂmÂaÂgo), KalooÂki Nights (Howard JacobÂson), Natasha’s Dance: A CulÂturÂal HisÂtoÂry of RusÂsia (OrlanÂdo Figes), Lincoln’s Sword (DouÂglas WilÂson), The Lay of the Land (Richard Ford), One Big Self (C. D. Wright), and Rembrandt’s Nose: Of Flesh and SpirÂit in the Master’s PorÂtraits (Michael TayÂlor).
Interesting…thanks for postÂing this…
It is interÂestÂing to know and see what writÂers are readÂing.
–RC of