I’ve always felt that pirates underÂstood the good things in life. Fresh air. Rum. InterÂestÂing hats. It turns out we had more in comÂmon politÂiÂcalÂly than I would have givÂen them credÂit for. AccordÂing to ColÂin Woodard, author of The RepubÂlic of Pirates, the “GoldÂen Age” of Caribbean piraÂcy wasÂn’t too shabÂby. SeaÂmen and capÂtains received almost equal shares of booty (that is, a ratio of 2 — 1 instead of 14 — 1) and capÂtains could be deposed at almost any time. NPR Books did a great interÂview with Woodard two weeks ago (site — iTunes — feed).
All of this means that you should go see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie when it opens today, no matÂter how terÂriÂble it is. If Jack SparÂrow doesÂn’t inspire civic virtue, at least he encourÂages eyeÂlinÂer sales. Besides, how many amuseÂment park rides can you think of that have demonÂstratÂed such draÂmatÂic depth?
The othÂer reaÂson to go see the movie is that Talk Like A Pirate Day is litÂerÂalÂly months away. How long can you hold that “AAAARRRRRHH”?
Just in case you can’t wait until SepÂtemÂber 19th there’s a new “realÂiÂty” show comÂing this sumÂmer called Pirate MasÂter — here’s an interÂview with the host Cameron DadÂdo (try to ingore the interÂviewÂer’s freakÂish effuÂsiveÂness): http://www.thenewsroom.com/details/351615?c_id=kc
I’ll probÂaÂbly tune in for the first episode, but if no one gets scurvy, I’m out.