There are some earÂly signs that pubÂlishÂers and bookÂsellers may be seeÂing the light.
Until recentÂly, the book world applied an irraÂtional logÂic to downÂloadÂable audioÂbooks and podÂcasts. As we notÂed back in FebÂruÂary, the paper verÂsion of the bestÂselling busiÂness book, The Long Tail, ran conÂsumers $16.47 on AmaÂzon. And yet the cheapÂer-to-proÂduce audio verÂsion implauÂsiÂbly amountÂed to $31.95 on iTunes and $27.99 on AudiÂble. Did it make sense? HardÂly.
Since FebÂruÂary, a litÂtle bit of reaÂson has been injectÂed into the marÂket. As the The New York Times recentÂly notÂed, the pubÂlishÂer HenÂry Holt made a smart move. They took the popÂuÂlar podÂcast, The GramÂmar Girl (iTunes Feed Web Site), and withÂin days spun off an hourÂlong audioÂbook priced at a sane $4.95. The next thing you know, it became the bestÂselling audioÂbook on iTunes. Here, the audioÂbook forÂmat let pubÂlishÂers respond to a marÂket opporÂtuÂniÂty — and far more quickÂly than they ever could have with a traÂdiÂtionÂal book. (A traÂdiÂtionÂal GramÂmar Girl book won’t come out until next year.)
RatioÂnal act #2: Some pubÂlishÂers are now releasÂing audio verÂsions of new books before issuÂing the actuÂal hard copies. Why? Because, they’ve found that digÂiÂtal copies can genÂerÂate buzz and greater sales for paper copies. And yes, in these sitÂuÂaÂtions, the digÂiÂtal and paper verÂsions are comÂpaÂraÂbly priced.
FinalÂly, bookÂsellers are now using audio to inform conÂsumers and motiÂvate them to click “Add to ShopÂping Cart” a litÂtle more often. Take for examÂple the new line of podÂcasts from AmaÂzon. CreÂatÂed by in-house ediÂtors, AmaÂzon Wire (iTunes — Feed ) offers interÂviews and excluÂsives with authors of new books. AmaÂzon BookÂClips (iTunes — Feed ) puts a spotÂlight on up-and-comÂing and bestÂselling authors. And with SigÂnifÂiÂcant SevÂen (iTunes — Feed), AmaÂzon points you to new must-read titles. How well inteÂgratÂed into AmaÂzon’s sales efforts, and how effecÂtive these podÂcasts will be at genÂerÂatÂing sales, all remains to be seen. But it at least points to a more senÂsiÂble way of bringÂing the digÂiÂtal and paper worlds togethÂer.
Thanks for linkÂing to iinÂnoÂvate! :)
- Min Liu