Once upon a time we told you about TED Talks, the annuÂal conÂferÂence that brings togethÂer the world’s “thought-leadÂers, movers and shakÂers.” These talks have been availÂable on iTunes in both audio (iTunes — Feed) and video (iTunes — Feed). And now you can apparÂentÂly find some on YouTube. Below we highÂlight a few.
First up, Dan Gilbert, a HarÂvard psyÂcholÂoÂgy proÂfesÂsor who recentÂly wrote StumÂbling On HapÂpiÂness, a book that uses psyÂcholÂoÂgy, cogÂniÂtive neuÂroÂscience, phiÂlosÂoÂphy and behavÂioral ecoÂnomÂics to show how our imagÂiÂnaÂtion — our unique abilÂiÂty to preÂdict the future — usuÂalÂly interÂferes with our basic abilÂiÂty to be hapÂpy. Here you get some kerÂnels of thought from the bestÂselling book, and some insights into why a paraÂplegic is often as hapÂpy as a lotÂtery winÂner. Good stuff here. Next, we give you Al Gore doing a litÂtle stand-up comÂeÂdy (no kidÂding) and speakÂing on globÂal warmÂing, much as he does in An InconÂveÂnient Truth. No othÂer introÂducÂtion is needÂed. LastÂly, we give you Dan DenÂnett, DirecÂtor |
Be sure to add in the FinanÂcial Aid PodÂcast, too.
Cool idea!!! I’m curiÂous if you have podÂcasts about eBay and the feedÂback sysÂtem?
TechÂnolÂoÂgy podÂcast disÂtribÂuted by NPR and proÂduced in SanÂta Cruz, CA.
Aren’t all these podÂcast listÂed in iTunes? So what is the point of relistÂing them in this post?
Go to iTunes and see how long it would take you to find these podÂcasts on your own. You would have to know that they exist in the first place to find them.
The feed listÂed for the DarÂdÂen School under UniÂverÂsiÂty PodÂcasts-BusiÂness Schools is only one series of our podÂcasts (DarÂdÂen SpeakÂer Series). The main page of our entire podÂcast colÂlecÂtion is locatÂed at http://www.darden.virginia.edu/podcasts.
This is one of the most useÂful sites I’ve come across. :)
thanks for the same..
Dear Dan,
OK — I’m the one milÂlionth and one perÂson to log on. This is realÂly excitÂing, inspirÂing, and impresÂsive.
What I mean to say is “WOW”
Maybe a sepÂaÂrate secÂtion on travÂel podÂcasts? Huge selecÂtion on iTunes availÂable.
[…] 4, 2008 · No ComÂments from http://www.youtube.com postÂed with […]