Among the new releases, you’ll find the latest in a series of full-fledged courses ready to be downloaded to your iPod for free. (See the previous courses we’ve mentioned here, here and here.) This time around, you can access a short course, Virgil’s Aeneid: Anatomy of a Classic (get it on iTunes), which takes a close look at one of the central texts in the Western tradition. (You can purchase a copy of the book referenced in the course here, or download free web versions in English or Latin, though they won’t follow the correct pagination.) Presented by Susanna Braund, a Stanford classics professor, the course is divided into 5 installments, each running about two hours. For the moment, you can only download the first part. But rest assured that the remaining ones are set to be issued in the weeks to come. The course was originally presented in Stanford’s Continuing Studies program. To learn more about the course, take a look at the course description below.
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This is terrific. A lecture on the Aeneid available for free.
Unfortunately someone chose to force would be listeners to use iTunes. That was not necessary.
Tying this to iTunes is just a bad choice. I don’t know if Apple somehow pushes/pays for this approach but it certainly makes it harder to use as their Podcast handling is somewhere between poor and broken. I’ll go through the painful effort of getting this through iTunes but I’m glad a number of other Universities have chosen to offer better approaches.