Here’s a quick fyi for poetry fans: PennSound has released on its site rare audio recordings by modernist poet, Ezra Pound (October 30, 1885 – November 1, 1972) and, along with them, a helpful essay called The Sound of Pound: A Listener’s Guide by Richard Sieburth. The audio clips largely come out of two major recording sessions, one at Harvard in 1939, the other in Washington in 1958. They also include Pound’s 1942 reading of Canto XLVI, a reading of his “Confucian Odes” in 1970, and a private recording of three Cantos. Based at the University of Pennsylvania, PennSound houses, they claim, the largest archive of digital poetry recordings, all accessible online. For more information on the Pound recordings and PennSound, click here.
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[…] Rare Ezra Pound Recordings Now Online […]