Contrary to popular belief, there are a few professors out there who actually have their own accounts on FaceBook, much to the horror of their students. Now you can hear their take on new media and the university in a biweekly podcast, Digital Campus.
The series features a panel of new media scholars at George Mason University discussing how Web 2.0 techonologies will change humanities teaching and research. Topics so far have included Wikipedia, YouTube and this week’s episode on social networking (mp3 — feed — website). As the most recent show points out, Web 2.0 is rapidly making it to the academic primetime–the University of Michigan now offers a master’s degree in social computing.
The flip side of new media technologies is how they will transform research into more traditional humanities subjects. The Digital Campus crew are all involved in the emerging field of digital humanities. On the podcast they discuss many of the challenges of transferring old media knowledge to digital archives and structuring those archives to make searching easy. In addition to airing these questions in the podcast, Digital Campus is promoting a new wiki designed for newcomers and veterans alike.
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