With YouTube and Google Video now sitting under the same happy corporate umbrella, you can rest assured that the world will receive only a steadier stream of home-brewed videos of guitar riffs, treadmill dances, dorm room antics, and pet playtimes, the very stuff that makes up YouTube’s all-time list of favorites. Lucky us. But somewhere within these vast troves of videos reside some valuable cultural and educational content. And although it will assuredly lose the popularity contest that determines relevance within the world of Web 2.0, it’s there nonetheless, and we’re happy to point it out, especially since GooTube doesn’t do much to help on that front. Here’s a good example of what we’re talking about.If you take seriously the recent political talk, the Bush Administration looks to be on a collision course with Iran. And should things come to a head, you can guarantee that Americans will have next to no sense of what Iran is really like as a country, other than what the administration has to say about it. The GooTube video below is a good corrective to that. This 90-minute lively program produced by the BBC takes an inside look at “one of the most misunderstood countries in the world, looking at the country through the eyes of people rarely heard — ordinary Iranians.” And as it goes on to explain things, “it took a year of wrangling to get permission to film inside Iran but the result is an amazing portrayal of an energetic and vibrant country that is completely different to the usual images seen in the media.” Take a look:
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“The Bush Administration looks to be on a collision course with Iran.” Come on… In this case you can’t peg this on “the Bush Administration.” It’s America, the UN and the World who are on a crash course with Iran.
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Open Culture scours the web for the best educational media. We find the free courses and audio books you need, the language lessons & educational videos you want, and plenty of enlightenment in between.
“The Bush Administration looks to be on a collision course with Iran.” Come on… In this case you can’t peg this on “the Bush Administration.” It’s America, the UN and the World who are on a crash course with Iran.