Last week, we talked a little (here and here) about the trials and tribulations of finding enlightened content on GooTube (Google Video + YouTube). What we didn’t mention is that some of this good content comes straight from Google headquarters itself. This page, simply titled Videos from Googleplex, captures talks given mostly at corporate central, and they’re broken down into three categories: TechTalks, Authors@Google, and Miscellaneous Google Videos. While some of the videos promote Google’s internal life and culture, others touch on subjects that have broader appeal. Like this one: Here we have Kevin Kelly, co-founder of Wired Magazine and former editor of the iconic Whole Earth Review, talking about how the path to scientific knowledge — how our scientific method — is likely to change over the next 50 years. As you could well imagine, this kind of forward-looking thinking is bound to resonate at Google, but it’s easy to see it having an audience beyond. Give this 49-minute video a look and see what you think. At best, you’ll take away something from it. At worst, you’ll get a feel for what the folks at Google are pondering.
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