Open Source, an always insightÂful pubÂlic radio proÂgram, aired last week a show that took a broad look at the winÂners and losers of the Iraq war. TakÂing up a theme that was also recentÂly explored in an ediÂtion of ForÂeign PolÂiÂcy magÂaÂzine, the host, ChristoÂpher Lydon, spoke with a panÂel of experts from respectÂed think tanks, uniÂverÂsiÂties, and newsÂpaÂpers, and, togethÂer, they drew conÂcluÂsions about winÂners and losers, some of which aren’t so obviÂous. Here’s a quick recap, but we recÂomÂmend givÂing the show a lisÂten (iTunes — Feed — Mp3) and takÂing a look at its well-done blog.
Iran & ShiÂism: With Iraq, its traÂdiÂtionÂal rival, in chaos, Iran is now free to project its powÂer across the MidÂdle East and tilt the balÂance of regionÂal powÂer in favor of ShiÂite Islam. It’s partÂly because Iran is makÂing such a strong showÂing that the hawks in WashÂingÂton may feel the strateÂgic need to evenÂtuÂalÂly use milÂiÂtary force against Iran. In this sense, the US is playÂing out a more extreme verÂsion of the stratÂeÂgy it used durÂing the Iran-Iraq War that dragged on through the 1980s. WeakÂen one powÂer, then the othÂer.
ChiÂna: No one is noticÂing it now, but down the road, we might be writÂing a hisÂtoÂry that talks about how the US advenÂture in Iraq gave ChiÂna the room to emerge rapidÂly as a new superÂpowÂer — a superÂpowÂer that could plauÂsiÂbly present itself to the interÂnaÂtionÂal comÂmuÂniÂty as more diploÂmatÂic and peaceÂful than the US alterÂnaÂtive.
al-QaeÂda: The Iraq war has helped al-Qaeda’s recruitÂment efforts, preÂciseÂly as many warned, and, if the US evenÂtuÂalÂly abanÂdons Iraq, they’ll feel emboldÂened no doubt.
Arab DicÂtaÂtors: The heat had been ratchÂeted up against many MidÂdle East dicÂtaÂtors, but with everyÂone disÂtractÂed by Iraq, they are able to perÂpetÂuÂate their corÂrupt rule for yet a while longer.
MulÂti-LatÂerÂalÂism, Old Europe & the UN: They were all disÂmissed by the Bush adminÂisÂtraÂtion in the run up to the war, but they’re all lookÂing betÂter and more worthÂwhile with each passÂing day.
Iraq & The UnitÂed States: Two obviÂous picks.
UniÂlatÂerÂalÂism & The Neo-Cons: The neo-con approach has splenÂdidÂly disÂcredÂitÂed itself, but the rub is that neo-cons still sit in powÂer and they may uniÂlatÂerÂalÂly force their way into Iran before the peoÂple get to the balÂlot box again.
Tony Blair & the SpeÂcial RelaÂtionÂship between the US and EngÂland: Tony Blair is sayÂing his long goodÂbye. He’ll be gone before too long, and, with him, may go the only othÂer subÂstanÂtial memÂber of the “CoaliÂtion of the WillÂing.”
The Price of Oil: It’s a losÂer if you’re a conÂsumer … but not if you’re an execÂuÂtive at Exxon.
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