Most of the outÂside world didÂn’t care. They didÂn’t even know what Steve Jobs was talkÂing about. But withÂin tech cirÂcles it was a big deal, a landÂmark moment. Jobs’ s anti-DRM manÂiÂfesto, Thoughts on Music, moved us all closÂer to the day when music would be set free. (DRM = DigÂiÂtal Rights ManÂageÂment. Get more info here.) The reacÂtion in the tech press was, of course, jubiÂlant. Here’s a quick samÂple reacÂtion from the major tech blog, GizÂmoÂdo:
“Steve Jobs dropped a big one on us today, and no it wasÂn’t a new MacÂBook. Instead it was his anti-DRM ManÂiÂfesto, a state of the union for the music indusÂtry so to speak. In a nutÂshell, he advised the music indusÂtry to give up on DRM. It won’t work. There are smart peoÂple cirÂcumÂventÂing this stuff, and with all the CDs being ripped in the world, just give up on it.
AmazÂing to hear the man speak withÂout the PR mouthÂpiece, withÂout regards to anyÂthing but what he feels is right for the world. He even throws the iPod/iTunes monopÂoly to the wind with these notions.”
Now before we start a petiÂtion to canÂonÂize Jobs, it seems worth reflectÂing for a moment on whether St. Steve found reliÂgion, or whether Jobs was just being a brilÂliant CEO … yet again. And that’s why its worth givÂing a lisÂten to Robert X. CringeÂly’s recent podÂcast artiÂcle DRM CatchÂer (iTunes — Feed). (You can also read the text verÂsion here.) CringeÂly is a parÂticÂuÂlarÂly astute observÂer of how techÂnolÂoÂgy trends doveÂtail with busiÂness strateÂgies, and he’s right to see Jobs’ manÂiÂfesto as driÂven less by ideals than by what makes the most busiÂness sense for Apple at this parÂticÂuÂlar moment. DRM helped put Apple into its marÂket leadÂerÂship posiÂtion. Now, havÂing a lock on 75% of the marÂket, the best way to sell more iPods is to drop DRM. It’s smart busiÂness thinkÂing that you see at work here, not altruÂism. You can bet on that.
Give the podÂcast some of your time, and be sure to lisÂten to the part about Google’s ambiÂtious web stratÂeÂgy, which ties into his recent thinkÂing (see this piece) about the big plans that Google has on the horiÂzon.
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