Pluggd’s State of the Union Address

We’re not here to write about the State of the Union speech per se (enough oth­er blog­gers have done that), but rather to men­tion a cool new tech­nol­o­gy that’s been applied to the Bush speech. A com­pa­ny called Plug­gd, using “HearHere tech­nol­o­gy,” now gives you the abil­i­ty to search audio and video files just like you would the web. Con­fused? Let us explain. Take a look at Plug­gd’s State of the Union SMACKDOWN! and you’ll see what looks like a stan­dard, web-based audio/video ver­sion of the speech. So far, no big deal. Now, type the word “edu­ca­tion” in the search box and look at the col­or meter that sits next to the play but­ton. The orange/red col­or indi­cates the most rel­e­vant moments when the pres­i­dent deals with edu­ca­tion. Sim­ply click on “hot zones” and you’ll cut right to the chase.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.