As a folÂlow-up to the Iraqi ExpeÂriÂence in DigÂiÂtal, we simÂply wantÂed to put alongÂside one anothÂer two excelÂlent podÂcasts that speak directÂly to the mountÂing Iraqi refugee criÂsis. TakÂen togethÂer they give you an excelÂlent view of this probÂlem.
First, a recent podÂcast from Open Source, which feaÂtures interivews with Iraqis who have had to make the jourÂney out of Iraq and in to SyrÂia and JorÂdan. (So far, 7% of the Iraqi popÂuÂlaÂtion has fled to these two counÂtries.) SecÂond, an interÂview with George PackÂer, who writes for The New YorkÂer (you can find many of his artiÂcles here) and who sumÂmaÂrizes extremeÂly well the issues at hand, and parÂticÂuÂlarÂly raisÂes the quesÂtion whether the US has a moral obligÂaÂtion to take some of these refugees in.
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