Because our forÂeign lanÂguage lesÂson podÂcasts have genÂerÂatÂed a lot of interÂest this week, we wantÂed to menÂtion anothÂer intriguÂing forÂeign lanÂguage resource: The Mixxer.
An excelÂlent way to learn a lanÂguage is to parÂticÂiÂpate in a lanÂguage exchange. Years ago, when I set out to learn French, I went to Paris and found someÂone (a French perÂson) who wantÂed to learn EngÂlish, and we met twice a week and spent one hour speakÂing in EngÂlish, the othÂer hour in French. And, withÂout fail, my comÂmand of French draÂmatÂiÂcalÂly improved.
Now you don’t need to travÂel very far to get involved in your own lanÂguage exchange. The Mixxer has develÂoped a site where you can find eager lanÂguage partÂners, downÂload Skype (the softÂware that lets you talk over the interÂnet for free), and then start your bilinÂgual exchange.
With this and our colÂlecÂtion of Free LanÂguage Lessons, the interÂnet will rapidÂly get you up the lanÂguage learnÂing curve.
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