This is hot off the press, so to speak. Today, StanÂford postÂed a new podÂcast of a course called ModÂern TheÂoÂretÂiÂcal Physics: QuanÂtum EntanÂgleÂment. It’s intriguÂing on sevÂerÂal difÂferÂent levÂels. First, it’s in video. SecÂond, the course is preÂsentÂed by Leonard Susskind, who is genÂerÂalÂly conÂsidÂered the father of string theÂoÂry, a conÂtroÂverÂsial innoÂvaÂtion in physics that squares quanÂtum theÂoÂry with relÂaÂtivÂiÂty and explains the nature of all matÂter and forces. Now, when Susskind gets into quanÂtum entanÂgleÂment, he is sureÂly getÂting into some heady, cutÂting-edge stuff. But the good thing — and now for my third point — is that he has preÂsentÂed this course through StanÂford’s ConÂtinÂuÂing StudÂies ProÂgram (where I work, just to put my cards on the table), and it was geared toward the genÂerÂal pubÂlic. And, to boot, it was the most popÂuÂlar course in the proÂgram. You can find a slightÂly more involved course descripÂtion here.The podÂcast will be rolled out in weekÂly installÂments, and the first is availÂable startÂing today. Since this is a video podÂcast, you should be able to watch it on your Ipod’s video screen if you have one of the latÂest modÂels. Or you could always just watch it on your comÂputÂer screen, withÂin iTunes itself.
Feeds: You can downÂload the course on iTunes here or access the RSS feed here.
Can anyÂone get the downÂloads to work?
I have the 30 gig video Ipod and just downÂloaded the sevÂen Susskind lecÂtures into my Mac Itunes. I was able to transÂfer the first lecÂture to the Ipod and watch it which was great. The othÂer 6 lecÂtures won’t transÂfer to the Ipod sayÂing that they can’t be played on my Ipod. I think the techÂnolÂoÂgy should be ironed out before you all announce what a wonÂderÂful prodÂuct you have proÂvidÂed.
It would be accesÂsiÂble to a greater audiÂence there were options to downÂload in an avi or mpg forÂmat
Can’t downÂload. AnyÂone know anothÂer source for it?