Image by PradipÂta Mitra, via WikiÂmeÂdia ComÂmons
Yale announced yesÂterÂday that it’s joinÂing the podÂcast revÂoÂluÂtion, and they’re doing it with a litÂtle bit of ooomph. (Click here to enter Yale’s colÂlecÂtion.) What you’ll find on Yale iTunes are free lecÂtures by Yale’s big hitÂters. You’ll find VinÂcent SculÂly talkÂing about Philip JohnÂson’s archiÂtecÂture, John GadÂdis givÂing us his spiel on the future of the Bush AdminÂisÂtraÂtion, MadeÂline Albright praisÂing the virtues of pubÂlic serÂvice, and Tian Xu givÂing us the lowÂdown on the state of the human genome. As a partÂing thought, I guess this means that HarÂvard should be launchÂing someÂthing some time soon. Days? weeks? months? It’s only a matÂter of time. We’ll keep an eye on it. In the meanÂtime, load Yale’s finest on to your iPod and prosÂper.
Putting anyÂthing on Itunes U is like buryÂing it. I must be the dumbÂest jerk on the planÂet so I canÂnot figÂure out how to downÂload Yale’s Intro to the New TesÂtaÂment from Itunes. It is sad because Yale’s site was designed for ease of use but was VERY poorÂly impleÂmentÂed. It has terÂriÂble flaws and numerÂous omisÂsions– but Itunes is a poor subÂstiÂtute. Its so called help is ridicuÂlous.