The Pynchon Reviews Roll Out

And it’s not look­ing too pret­ty. The New York Times review begins:

Thomas Pynchon’s new nov­el, “Against the Day,” reads like the sort of imi­ta­tion of a Thomas Pyn­chon nov­el that a dogged but ungain­ly fan of this author’s might have writ­ten on quaaludes. It is a humon­gous, bloat­ed jig­saw puz­zle of a sto­ry, pre­ten­tious with­out being provoca­tive, ellip­ti­cal with­out being illu­mi­nat­ing, com­pli­cat­ed with­out being reward­ing­ly com­plex.

You can read the rest here.

Also see the New York­er review.

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