MilÂton FriedÂman, a Nobel Prize winÂner, archiÂtect and leadÂing advoÂcate of free marÂkets, and one of the most imporÂtant econÂoÂmists of the 20th cenÂtuÂry, died this past week at 94.
The UniÂverÂsiÂty of ChicaÂgo, where FriedÂman taught since 1946, has colÂlectÂed a series of artiÂcles reviewÂing his life and accomÂplishÂments. Along simÂiÂlar lines, StanÂford’s Hoover InstiÂtuÂtion, with which FriedÂman was affilÂiÂatÂed from 1977 until his death, has postÂed a page that includes links to videos feaÂturÂing the econÂoÂmist. (Look for the videos under the area called “PubÂliÂcaÂtions.”)
FinalÂly, from the Youtube archives, you can see a short clip from 1980, where we find a younger MilÂton FriedÂman and Don RumsÂfeld in conÂverÂsaÂtion.
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