Every year, a thouÂsand “thought-leadÂers, movers and shakÂers” get togethÂer at a four-day conÂferÂence
called TED (which is short for TechÂnolÂoÂgy, EnterÂtainÂment and Design). In past years, the list of speakÂers has ranged from Sergey Brin and LarÂry Page to Bill Gates, to HerÂbie HanÂcock and Peter Gabriel, to Frank Gehry and BilÂly GraÂham. This year Bill ClinÂton, Paul Simon, and LarÂry Lessig are set to speak. It almost goes withÂout sayÂing that not just anyÂone can attend such an event. You’ll need an inviÂtaÂtion for starters, plus $4400 to covÂer admisÂsion fees. If you can look past the counÂtry clubÂbishÂness of the event, then you may find it worth spendÂing time with the audio (iTunes — Feed) and video (iTunes — Feed) podÂcasts of talks from recent conÂferÂences. Some “vodÂcasts” you’ll want to check out include: Bono, Peter Gabriel, Richard Dawkins, MalÂcolm GladÂwell, and Al Gore. (We’re not sure what to say about Tony RobÂbins.)
Good podlist, thanks.