offers you someÂthing that you’ll most cerÂtainÂly want: an on-demand video porÂtal that lets you access wherÂevÂer, whenÂevÂer you want the leadÂing-edge ideas of promiÂnent newsÂmakÂers — politiÂcians, busiÂness leadÂers, authors, sciÂenÂtists, artists and more. All of the video comes from well-regardÂed orgaÂniÂzaÂtions (C‑SPAN, The CounÂcil on ForÂeign RelaÂtions, The ComÂmonÂwealth Club of CalÂiÂforÂnia, The Cato InstiÂtute, to name a few). And a quick tour gives you access to some noteÂworÂthy talks. A few that stood out were those by JimÂmy Wales (Founder of Wikipedia), George PackÂer (the New YorkÂer writer who has reportÂed extenÂsiveÂly on Iraq), Karen ArmÂstrong (the bestÂselling writer on Islam and othÂer world reliÂgions), Isabel Allende (the Chilean writer who authored House of the SpirÂits), and Andrew SulÂliÂvan (a senÂsiÂble conÂserÂvÂaÂtive & blogÂger who just pubÂlished The ConÂserÂvÂaÂtive Soul: How We Lost It, How to Get It Back). A good comÂpleÂment to FORA’s colÂlecÂtion is the UniÂverÂsiÂty ChanÂnel, a project orgaÂnized by PrinceÂton that we wrote about not too long ago. Both are worth a good look. link broÂken !!!