Many moons ago, we feaÂtured a speech by Leon TrotÂsky givÂen in his MexÂiÂcan exile in 1937. Turns out recordÂings of his teleÂviÂsion addressÂes go back even furÂther. The short clip above was recordÂed in DenÂmark in 1932 and is titled “Trotzky makes debut perÂforÂmance before microÂphone”. (A litÂtle aside: The clip was proÂduced by Fox MoviÂetone News, a newsÂreel that ran in the U.S. from 1928 to 1963. Would Fox still show someÂthing like this today?) In NovemÂber 1932, TrotÂsky left his exile in Turkey to accept an inviÂtaÂtion by the DanÂish Social DemoÂcÂraÂtÂic StuÂdents’ AssoÂciÂaÂtion to come to CopenÂhagen and speak about the RussÂian RevÂoÂluÂtion. You can read the text of the speech called “In Defence of OctoÂber” held on NovemÂber 27 here. There are also two impresÂsive phoÂtos secretÂly takÂen by a phoÂtoÂjourÂnalÂist. There was a lot of comÂmoÂtion surÂroundÂing TrotÂsky’s trip to DenÂmark: the DanÂish ComÂmuÂnist ParÂty, conÂtrolled by StalÂin, staged demonÂstraÂtions and the RoyÂal FamÂiÂly protestÂed against his visÂit — they held TrotÂsky responÂsiÂble for the vioÂlent deaths of their relÂaÂtives, the Tsar and his famÂiÂly. NevÂerÂtheÂless, TrotÂsky delivÂered his speech before an audiÂence of about 2,500. The video address was recordÂed in EngÂlish two weeks latÂer, on DecemÂber 10, 1932.
To see othÂer famous leadÂers makÂing their debut perÂforÂmances, check out MahatÂma GandÂhi in his First RecordÂed Video and NelÂson Mandela’s First-Ever InterÂview.
By proÂfesÂsion, Matthias RaschÂer teachÂes EngÂlish and HisÂtoÂry at a High School in northÂern Bavaria, GerÂmany. In his free time he scours the web for good links and posts the best finds on TwitÂter.