HolÂlyÂwood didÂn’t start proÂducÂing colÂor feaÂture films until the mid 1930s. (Becky Sharp, the first TechÂniÂcolÂor film from 1935, appears in our colÂlecÂtion of Free Movies Online.) But experÂiÂments with colÂor filmÂmakÂing startÂed long before that. EarÂliÂer this year, Kodak unearthed a test of Kodachrome colÂor film from 1922 (above). But then you can travÂel back to 1912, when a filmÂmakÂer testÂed out a Chronochrome process on the beachÂes of NorÂmandy. Or how about movÂing all the way back to 1895? Here we have footage from Thomas EdisÂon’s hand-paintÂed film Anabelle’s Dance, which was made for his KineÂtoÂscope viewÂers. For more on the hisÂtoÂry of colÂor film, visÂit here.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Tsarist RusÂsia Comes to Life in Vivid ColÂor PhoÂtographs TakÂen CirÂca 1905–1915