The Ice Book, seen above, is a paper theÂatre brought to life with light. Watch as sheets of paper are illuÂmiÂnatÂed in a dazÂzling aniÂmaÂtion disÂplay. AccordÂing to the artists, Davy and Kristin McGuire, The Ice Book tells the stoÂry of a mysÂteÂriÂous princess who lures a boy into her magÂiÂcal world to warm her heart of ice. It was shot with the Canon 5D Mark II, with the actors superÂimÂposed onto the monÂtages using a makeshift green screen, and proÂjecÂtions creÂatÂed in Adobe After Effects. A simÂple yet remarkÂable achieveÂment. You can learn more about the project here. Don’t miss the page describÂing the behind the scenes work, or this othÂer priÂmo video that savors books in stop motion film.
Eugene Buchko is a blogÂger and phoÂtogÂraÂphÂer livÂing in Atlanta, GA. He mainÂtains a phoÂtoÂblog, EruÂdite ExpresÂsions, and writes about what he reads on his readÂing blog.