PreÂpare to have your mind blown.
You may have seen levÂiÂtaÂtion tricks perÂformed by magiÂcians, but rest assured that they can’t beat this: quanÂtum levÂiÂtaÂtion. The video above was capÂtured at the 2011 ASTC conÂferÂence, a gathÂerÂing of sciÂenÂtists in BalÂtiÂmore, MaryÂland, with the purÂpose of demonÂstratÂing “how sciÂence cenÂters and museÂums are putting new ideas to pracÂtiÂcal use to serve their comÂmuÂniÂties.” The School of Physics and AstronÂoÂmy at Tel-Aviv UniÂverÂsiÂty has put togethÂer this physics experÂiÂment showÂcasÂing quanÂtum superÂconÂducÂtors locked in a magÂnetÂic field.
While the video fails to explain the sciÂence of what is hapÂpenÂing here, the comÂpleÂmenÂtary webÂsite is helpÂful. The white round disk (essenÂtialÂly a sapÂphire wafer coatÂed with a thin layÂer of yttriÂum barÂiÂum copÂper oxide) is cooled to below negÂaÂtive 185 degrees C. At that temÂperÂaÂture (dubbed the critÂiÂcal temÂperÂaÂture), the mateÂrÂiÂal becomes superÂconÂducÂtive, meanÂing that it has zero elecÂtriÂcal resisÂtance. From the webÂsite:
SuperÂconÂducÂtivÂiÂty and magÂnetÂic field do not like each othÂer. When posÂsiÂble, the superÂconÂducÂtor will expel all the magÂnetÂic field from inside. This is the MeissÂner effect. In our case, since the superÂconÂducÂtor is extremeÂly thin, the magÂnetÂic field DOES penÂeÂtrate. HowÂevÂer, it does that in disÂcrete quanÂtiÂties (this is quanÂtum physics after all! ) called flux tubes.
Inside each magÂnetÂic flux tube superÂconÂducÂtivÂiÂty is localÂly destroyed. The superÂconÂducÂtor will try to keep the magÂnetÂic tubes pinned in weak areas (e.g. grain boundÂaries). Any spaÂtial moveÂment of the superÂconÂducÂtor will cause the flux tubes to move. In order to preÂvent that, the superÂconÂducÂtor remains “trapped” in midair.
And in case you’re wonÂderÂing: are there pracÂtiÂcal appliÂcaÂtions for quanÂtum levÂiÂtaÂtion? The answer, of course, is yes!
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Eugene Buchko is a blogÂger and phoÂtogÂraÂphÂer livÂing in Atlanta, GA. He mainÂtains a phoÂtoÂblog, EruÂdite ExpresÂsions, and writes about what he reads on his readÂing blog.
H/T EngadÂget