This post conÂtinÂues Open CulÂture’s curaÂtion of a new podÂcast series about popÂuÂlar media and how (and why) we conÂsume it. You may wish to lisÂten to the introÂducÂtoÂry episode first.
What counts as binge watchÂing? Why do we do it? Is it bad for us?
Mark, EriÂca, and BriÂan reveal their watchÂing habits (growÂing up and now) and marÂvel at crazy-high stats about how much peoÂple watch. We think about what peoÂple get out of this activÂiÂty, what shows work do and don’t taste good in bulk, and whether watchÂing is best done in soliÂtary despair or as a bondÂing expeÂriÂence as you waste the preÂcious hours of your life sitÂting next to anothÂer perÂson.
We touch on many shows includÂing The Office, Game of Thrones, BatÂtlestar GalacÂtiÂca (by way of PortÂlandia), Jane the VirÂgin, PretÂty LitÂtle Liars, Arrow, CSI, and CherÂnobyl (which we’ll devote the whole of Ep. 5 to).
ArtiÂcles we bring up:
- “InfreÂquentÂly Asked QuesÂtions: why do we binge-watch?” by BranÂdon BakÂer
- “A CritÂiÂcal TheÂoÂry of Binge WatchÂing” by Jake Pitre
- “These are the real causÂes and effects of binge-watchÂing, says sciÂence” by KenÂdi Banks
“I like to watch, EriÂca. I like to watch.”
This episode includes BONUS CONTENT that you can only get by becomÂing a $1+ supÂportÂer at PretÂty Much Pop: A CulÂture PodÂcast is proÂduced by the ParÂtialÂly ExamÂined Life PodÂcast NetÂwork.