Jason Schwartzman Introduces New Yorker iPad App

The New York­er iPad app. It’s final­ly out, and they have actor Jason Schwartz­man tak­ing the wraps off in a wit­ty video. Give The New York­er points for cre­ativ­i­ty.

Now the big ques­tion. Will read­ers pay $4.99 to have the plea­sure of read­ing each week­ly issue on the iPad? That’s $234 over a year. Or will you be stick­ing with the print sub­scrip­tion that runs a cool­er $1.00 per week? You’ll find me in the lat­ter camp until they work out a more sen­si­ble annu­al pric­ing scheme — some­thing that, accord­ing to recent reports, may be right around the bend.

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