The New YorkÂer iPad app. It’s finalÂly out, and they have actor Jason SchwartzÂman takÂing the wraps off in a witÂty video. Give The New YorkÂer points for creÂativÂiÂty.
Now the big quesÂtion. Will readÂers pay $4.99 to have the pleaÂsure of readÂing each weekÂly issue on the iPad? That’s $234 over a year. Or will you be stickÂing with the print subÂscripÂtion that runs a coolÂer $1.00 per week? You’ll find me in the latÂter camp until they work out a more senÂsiÂble annuÂal pricÂing scheme — someÂthing that, accordÂing to recent reports, may be right around the bend.