In NovemÂber 2012, the Munich ChamÂber OrchesÂtra and its conÂducÂtor AlexanÂder LiebreÂich had the rare chance to travÂel to Pyongyang to work with the stuÂdents of the local Kim Won Gyun ConÂserÂvaÂtoÂry. The Goethe InstiÂtut Korea arranged the visÂit and invitÂed GerÂman filmÂmakÂer Nils Clauss to shoot a docÂuÂmenÂtary about this moment of cross-culÂturÂal musiÂcal coopÂerÂaÂtion. Joint orchesÂtra rehearsals were held, but the GerÂman musiÂcians also conÂductÂed one-on-one chamÂber music classÂes with the North KoreÂan stuÂdents. At the end of their visÂit, the GerÂman-KoreÂan ensemÂble perÂformed a conÂcert at the conÂserÂvaÂtoÂry.
Nils Clauss’s docÂuÂmenÂtary shows in a beauÂtiÂful and unobÂtruÂsive way how musiÂcians from two very difÂferÂent worlds quickÂly overÂcame the lanÂguage barÂriÂers and let only the music speak. AlexanÂder LiebreÂich described in an interÂview with the BBC how much had changed since his last visÂit to North Korea in 2002.
You can enjoy parts of the final conÂcert here:
- AriÂrang, a KoreÂan folk song
- HaydÂn’s CelÂlo ConÂcerÂto in C Major, First MoveÂment (ModÂerÂaÂto) with soloist Trey Lee
Plus find bonus mateÂrÂiÂal here:
- The Atlantic’s latÂest phoÂto essay on life in North Korea
- This litÂtle North KoreÂan girl can play the guiÂtar betÂter than you.
By proÂfesÂsion, Matthias RaschÂer teachÂes EngÂlish and HisÂtoÂry at a High School in northÂern Bavaria, GerÂmany. In his free time he scours the web for good links and posts the best finds on TwitÂter.