Robert Shiller, who preÂdictÂed the stock marÂket crash earÂliÂer this decade and the burstÂing of the housÂing bubÂble in 2008, has a unique underÂstandÂing of the finanÂcial marÂkets and behavÂioral ecoÂnomÂics. In this free course proÂvidÂed by Yale UniÂverÂsiÂty, Shiller demysÂtiÂfies the finanÂcial marÂkets and explains “the theÂoÂry of finance and its relaÂtion to the hisÂtoÂry, the strengths and imperÂfecÂtions of such instiÂtuÂtions as bankÂing, insurÂance, secuÂriÂties, futures, and othÂer derivÂaÂtives marÂkets, and the future of these instiÂtuÂtions over the next cenÂtuÂry.” It’s a course for our shaky finanÂcial times. The first lecÂture appears above, and the full course can be accessed on YouTube, iTunes and Yale’s web site. The course is also listÂed in our meta colÂlecÂtion of Free CoursÂes and our tarÂgetÂed selecÂtion of Free EcoÂnomÂics CoursÂes.