ProÂduced at the VanÂcouÂver Film School, this split-screen aniÂmaÂtion tells the stoÂry of Earth’ s oriÂgins from a creÂationÂist and Darwinist/evolutionist point of view. To make things more interÂestÂing (spoilÂer: stop readÂing now if you want to mainÂtain the eleÂment of surÂprise), the sciÂenÂtifÂic stoÂry is told using reliÂgious lanÂguage, whereÂas the BibÂliÂcal verÂsion is told as if it were the sciÂenÂtifÂic one. The slightÂly conÂfusÂing conÂcluÂsion (its’ a zinger) shows how the lanÂguage we use to present ideas influÂences their perÂcepÂtion. And the ironÂic use of infoÂgraphÂics tops off this visuÂal and linÂguisÂtic experÂiÂment.
On the homeÂpage of the project, you can watch the videos sepÂaÂrateÂly and downÂload them. Also, the YouTube chanÂnel of VanÂcouÂver Film School is always worth a visÂit.
By proÂfesÂsion, Matthias RaschÂer teachÂes EngÂlish and HisÂtoÂry at a High School in northÂern Bavaria, GerÂmany. In his free time he scours the web for good links and posts the best finds on TwitÂter.