A quick fyi for Bach lovers: You can downÂload for free the comÂplete organ works of Johann SebasÂtÂian Bach. They were recordÂed by Dr. James KibÂbie (UniÂverÂsiÂty of MichiÂgan) on origÂiÂnal baroque organs in Leipzig, GerÂmany. Start with a colÂlecÂtion of Favorite MasÂterÂworks, or get the comÂplete works that have been dividÂed into 13 groups for easy downÂload. Once you downÂload these zip files, you will need to unzip them and import them into iTunes or a simÂiÂlar appliÂcaÂtion. Thanks for @Pdarche (Peter Darche) for flagÂging this for us.
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A Young Glenn Gould Plays Bach
All of Bach Is Putting Videos of 1,080 Bach PerÂforÂmances Online: