MicroÂcopterÂvideo is a SpanÂish comÂpaÂny that speÂcialÂizes in shootÂing videos using small remote-conÂtrol heliÂcopters called “octoÂcopters.” (You can see the one used in this video here; and if you want to build one yourÂself, you can find instrucÂtions here.) Since these small heliÂcopters go places where norÂmal camÂeras can’t, these newÂfanÂgled camÂeras can offer views that are simÂply out of this world.
The latÂest video gives you a tour of the medieval SanÂtiÂaÂgo de ComÂpostela CatheÂdral locatÂed in northÂern Spain. It starts with beauÂtiÂful views of the exteÂriÂor, but the most impresÂsive shots are saved for inside the catheÂdral, espeÂcialÂly when the octoÂcopter soars high above the chamades of the organ, givÂing us an incredÂiÂble look at the choir.
Some of these views have been capÂtured as stills and can be seen at Flickr. And don’t forÂget to enjoy some more of those wonÂderÂful octoÂcopter videos on this Vimeo page.
By proÂfesÂsion, Matthias RaschÂer teachÂes EngÂlish and HisÂtoÂry at a High School in northÂern Bavaria, GerÂmany. In his free time he scours the web for good links and posts the best finds on TwitÂter.