MakÂing ArchiÂtecÂture, a course from the IE School of ArchiÂtecÂture and Design in Segovia (Spain), “offers a unique insight into the mind and work of an ArchiÂtect, startÂing with the basics of the proÂfesÂsion and culÂmiÂnatÂing with the proÂducÂtion of a scaled site modÂel. The course should act as ideÂal prepaÂraÂtion for those interÂestÂed in underÂtakÂing an underÂgradÂuÂate degree in ArchiÂtecÂture, although its flexÂiÂble, intriguÂing and enjoyÂable conÂtent makes it accesÂsiÂble for all those lookÂing to increase their knowlÂedge in the field.”
The course descripÂtion goes on to add:
DelivÂered priÂmarÂiÂly by ProÂfesÂsors from the IE School of ArchiÂtecÂture and design, the course begins by examÂinÂing the mind-set of an ArchiÂtect — askÂing how they think and what they do to train their creÂative minds, movÂing on to using inspiÂraÂtion from the enviÂronÂment to stimÂuÂlate design ideas. FinalÂly, the course conÂcludes by lookÂing at some of the more techÂniÂcal aspects of ArchiÂtecÂture — such as comÂpoÂsiÂtion, form, space and hierÂarÂchy — and stressÂing the imporÂtance of creÂatÂing a stoÂry that helps define your design.
This fasÂciÂnatÂing conÂtent is delivÂered prinÂciÂpalÂly from the stunÂning design stuÂdio at and feaÂtures exterÂnal videos from a few beauÂtiÂful locaÂtions in the city of Segovia. FinalÂly, it includes interÂviews from PritzkÂer Prize execÂuÂtive direcÂtor — and Dean of the school of ArchiÂtecÂture and design at IE — Martha Thorne, with a numÂber of award winÂning pracÂtisÂing archiÂtects such as Sarah WigÂglesworth and Cristoph IngenÂhoven.
You can take MakÂing ArchiÂtecÂture for free by selectÂing the audit option upon enrolling. If you want to take the course for a cerÂtifiÂcate, you will need to pay a fee.
MakÂing ArchiÂtecÂture will be added to our list, 1,700 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂties.
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