60 Free Film Noir Movies

Dur­ing the 1940s and 50s, Hol­ly­wood entered a “noir” peri­od, pro­duc­ing riv­et­ing films based on hard-boiled fic­tion. These films were set in dark loca­tions and shot in a black & white aes­thet­ic that fit like a glove. Hard­ened men wore fedo­ras and for­ev­er smoked cig­a­rettes. Women played the femme fatale role bril­liant­ly. Love was the surest way to death. All of these ele­ments fig­ured into what Roger Ebert calls “the most Amer­i­can film genre” in his short Guide to Film Noir. In this grow­ing list, we gath­er togeth­er the noir films avail­able online. They all appear in our big col­lec­tion 4,000+ Free Movies Online: Great Clas­sics, Indies, Noir, West­erns, Doc­u­men­taries & More.

  • A Life at StakeFree — Direct­ed by Paul Guil­foyle, this Amer­i­can noir film stars Angela Lans­bury and Kei­th Andes. (1954)
  • Beat the Dev­il – Free – Direct­ed by John Hus­ton and star­ring Humphrey Bog­a­rt, the film is some­thing of a com­ic and dra­mat­ic spoof of the film noir tra­di­tion. (1953)
  • Behind Green Lights — Free — Stars Car­ole Lan­dis, John Ire­land. Police lieu­tenant Sam Car­son inves­ti­gates a polit­i­cal mur­der after the vic­tim is dumped at the door of police head­quar­ters. (1946)
  • Big Bluff Free — Direct­ed by W. Lee Wilder. When a schem­ing for­tune hunter finds his rich wife is not going to die as expect­ed, he and his lover make oth­er plans to get her mil­lions. (1950)
  • Blonde Ice - Free — A soci­ety reporter keeps her­self in the head­lines by mar­ry­ing a series of wealthy men. They all die mys­te­ri­ous­ly after­wards though. (1948)
  • Bor­der­line — Free — Fred Mac­Mur­ray and Claire Trevor are caught in Mex­i­can dope-smug­gling ring, fear­ing each oth­er is involved, but both under­cov­er agents. Alter­nate ver­sion. (1950)
  • Cause for Alarm!Free — Ellen (Loret­ta Young) nar­rates the tale of “the most ter­ri­fy­ing day of my life”, how she was tak­ing care of her bedrid­den hus­band George Z. Jones (Bar­ry Sul­li­van) when he sud­den­ly dropped dead. (1951)
  • Club Par­adiseFree — The film, also known as Sen­sa­tion Hunters, was direct­ed by Christy Cabanne. The sto­ry: a touch­ing sto­ry of girl who like many oth­ers makes the wrong choice in life – and pays for it. (1945)
  • Con­vic­t’s CodeFree — An ex-con is employed by the man who framed him for bank rob­bery. Direct­ed by Lam­bert Hilly­er. Star­ring Robert Kent and Anne Nage. (1939)
  • Demen­tiaFree — Also called Daugh­ter of Hor­ror, this film by John Park­er incor­po­rat­ed ele­ments of hor­ror film, film noir and expres­sion­ist film. About the film, Cahiers du cin­e­ma wrote “To what degree this film is a work of art, we are not cer­tain but, in any case, it is strong stuff.” (1955)
  • Detour Free — Edgar Ulmer’s cult clas­sic noir film shot in 6 days. (1945)
  • D.O.A. — Free — Rudolph Maté’s clas­sic noir film. Called “one of the most accom­plished, inno­v­a­tive, and down­right twist­ed entrants to the film noir genre.”
  • Fear in the NightFree — Low bud­get noir film direct­ed by Maxwell Shane & star­ring Paul Kel­ly and DeFor­est Kel­ley. It is based on the Cor­nell Wool­rich sto­ry “And So to Death”. (1947)
  • Five Min­utes to Live — Free — Amaz­ing bank heist movie stars John­ny Cash, Vic Tay­back, Ron Howard, and coun­try music great, Mer­le Travis. (1961)
  • Guest in the House — Free — Direct­ed by John Brahm, the noir film stars Anne Bax­ter, Ralph Bel­lamy, Aline MacMa­hon. (1946)
  • He Walked by Night – Free – Film-noir dra­ma, told in semi-doc­u­­men­­tary style, fol­lows police on the hunt for a resource­ful crim­i­nal. This move became the basis for “Drag­net,” and stars Jack Webb. Archive.org ver­sion here. (1948)
  • Impact — Free — Arthur Lubin’s well reviewed noir flic. Con­sid­ered a lit­tle known clas­sic you need to watch. (1940)
  • Inner Sanc­tum — Free —  A grip­ping noir film about “a mur­der­er who is on the lam and hid­ing out in a small town. Unbe­knownst to him, he is not only hid­ing in the same board­ing house as the only wit­ness to his crime, he is shar­ing the same room.” (1948)
  • Jig­saw - Free — Direct­ed by Fletch­er Markle, and star­ring Fran­chot Tone, Jean Wal­lace and Marc Lawrence, the film fea­tures cameo appear­ances by Mar­lene Diet­rich and Hen­ry Fon­da. (1949)
  • John­ny O’ClockFree — Direct­ed by Robert Rossen, based on a sto­ry by Mil­ton Holmes. The dra­ma fea­tures Dick Pow­ell, Eve­lyn Keyes, and Lee J. Cobb, with Jeff Chan­dler mak­ing his film debut in a small role. (1947)
  • Kansas City Con­fi­den­tial – Free – A film noir gem that inspired Quentin Tarantino’s “Reser­voir Dogs.” (1953)
  • Key Lime Pie — Free – A zany ani­mat­ed film in the noir tra­di­tion. (2007)
  • Lady Gang­sterFree — Warn­er Bros. B pic­ture direct­ed by Robert Flo­rey based on the play Gangstress, or Women in Prison, by Dorothy Mack­aye, Stars: Faye Emer­son, Julie Bish­op, Frank Wilcox, Roland Drew, and Jack­ie C. Glea­son. (1942)
  • Man in the Attic — Free — Jack Palance as Jack the Rip­per! (1954)
  • Parole, Inc.Free — Parole offi­cers fight against gang­sters try­ing to infil­trate the parole sys­tem. (1948)
  • Please Mur­der Me – Free – Lawyer Ray­mond Burr  bril­liant­ly defends Angela Lans­bury in 1950s noir film. (1956)
  • Port of New York Free — Two nar­cotics agents go after a gang of mur­der­ous drug deal­ers who use ships dock­ing at the New York har­bor to smug­gle in their con­tra­band. First film in which Yul Bryn­ner appeared. (1949)
  • Quick­sand Free — Peter Lorre and Mick­ey Rooney star in a sto­ry about a garage mechan­ic’s descent into crime. (1950)
  • Scar­let Street — Free — Direct­ed by Fritz Lang with Edward G. Robin­son. A film noir great. (1945)
  • Shock Free –This film noir tells the sto­ry of psy­chi­a­trist Dr. Cross (Vin­cent Price), who is treat­ing Janet Stew­art (Anabel Shaw), a young woman who is in a cata­ton­ic state. The coma was brought on when she heard loud argu­ing, went to her win­dow, and saw a man strike his wife with a can­dle­stick and kill her. Alter­nate ver­sion found here. (1946)
  • Shoot to KillFree — Gang­ster framed by crooked DA. Wife and news­pa­per reporter team up. (1947)
  • Strange Illu­sion — Free — B‑movie update of “Ham­let” has trou­bled teen Jim­my Lydon doubt­ing smooth-talk­er War­ren Williams who is woo­ing his moth­er. (1945)
  • Sud­den­ly — Free — Buy DVD — Noir film with Frank Sina­tra and James Glea­son. The sto­ry line influ­enced The Manchuri­an Can­di­date, which again starred Sina­tra. (1954)
  • The Amaz­ing Mr. X Free — Noir film direct­ed by Bernard Vorhaus with cin­e­matog­ra­phy by John Alton. The film tells the sto­ry of a pho­ny spir­i­tu­al­ist rack­et. (1948).
  • The Bas­ket­ball FixFree — A col­lege bas­ket­ball star col­lab­o­rates with orga­nized crime and becomes involved in ‘point shav­ing.’ A sports­writer tries to get him back on the right track. (1951)
  • The Big Com­bo Free — Direct­ed by Joseph Lewis, this film is today con­sid­ered a noir clas­sic. Crit­ics like to focus on cin­e­matog­ra­phy of John Alton, a noir icon. (1955)
  • The Cap­ture — Free - Lew Ayres is an oil man who guns down a thief who may have been inno­cent. (1950)
  • The Chase — Free — An Amer­i­can noir film direct­ed by Arthur Rip­ley, based on the Cor­nell Wool­rich nov­el The Black Path of Fear.
  • The File on Thel­ma Jor­dan Free — This noir direct­ed by Robert Siod­mak fea­tures Bar­bara Stan­wyck and Wen­dell Corey.  At the time Vari­ety said, “Thel­ma Jor­don unfolds as an inter­est­ing, femme-slan­t­ed melo­dra­ma, told with a lot of restrained excite­ment.” (1950)
  • The Great Fla­mar­i­on — Free — Vaude­ville star Erich von Stro­heim entan­gled with mar­ried assis­tant. Direct­ed by Antho­ny Mann. (1945)
  • The Green Glove Free — A World War II vet­er­an in France, played by Glen Ford, gets mixed up in mur­der while inves­ti­gat­ing a stolen trea­sure. Direct­ed by Rudolph Maté. Alter­nate ver­sion on YouTube avail­able here. (1952)
  • The Hitch-Hik­er Free — Buy DVD — The first noir film made by a woman noir direc­tor, Ida Lupino. (1953)
  • The Hood­lum — Free — Lawrence Tier­ney (“Reser­voir Dogs”) plays an unre­formed, hard­ened crim­i­nal who has just been released from prison. While work­ing at his broth­er’s gas sta­tion, he becomes very inter­est­ed in the armored car that makes reg­u­lar stops at the bank across the street. (1951)
  • The Limp­ing Man Free — Stars Lloyd Bridges and Moira Lis­ter. A WWII vet­er­an goes back to Eng­land after the war only to dis­cov­er that his wartime sweet­heart has got mixed up with a dan­ger­ous spy ring. (1953)
  • The Man Who Cheat­ed Him­self — Free — Some call it “an under-appre­­ci­at­ed and lit­tle known gem.”  Stars Lee J. Cobb, John Dall, Jane Wyatt, and Lisa Howard.  YouTube ver­sion here. (1951)
  • The Naked Kiss Free — Con­stance Tow­ers is a pros­ti­tute try­ing to start a new life in a small town. Direct­ed by Sam Fuller. (1964)
  • The Red HouseFree — A noir psy­cho­log­i­cal thriller star­ring Edward G. Robin­son. Here’s the gist of the plot: “An old man and his sis­ter are con­ceal­ing a ter­ri­ble secret from their adopt­ed teen daugh­ter, con­cern­ing a hid­den aban­don farm­house, locat­ed deep in the woods.” (1947)
  • The Saint Louis Bank Rob­bery – Free – Steve McQueen stars in a “grit­ty, down­beat, and some­times sav­age heist movie.” (1959)
  • The Scar (aka Hol­low Tri­umph)Free — Just released from prison, John Muller (Paul Hen­reid) mas­ter­minds a holdup at an ille­gal casi­no run by Rocky Stansy­ck. The rob­bery goes bad, and the mob­sters cap­tured some of Muller’s men and force them to iden­ti­fy the rest before killing them.
  • The Sec­ond Woman — Free — Direct­ed by James Kern and star­ring Bet­sy Drake, this less­er known noir film gets some good reviews. (1951)
  • The Strange Love of Martha Ivers – Free – Noir film start­ing Bar­bara Stan­wyck, Van Heflin and Kirk Dou­glas. Entered into 1947 Cannes Film Fes­ti­val. (1946)
  • The Strange Woman — Free — Edgar G. Ulmer’s femme fatale film star­ring Hedy Lamarr. (1946)
  • The Stranger Free — Buy DVD — Direct­ed by Orson Welles with Edward G. Robin­son. One of Welles’s major com­mer­cial suc­cess­es. (1946)
  • They Made Me a Crim­i­nal — Free — Box­er John Garfield flees believ­ing he has com­mit­ted a mur­der while he was drunk. Pur­sued by Claude Rains, he meets up with the Dead End Kids. (1939)
  • They Made Me a Killer — Free — A fugi­tive receives help from a vic­tim’s sis­ter (Bar­bara Brit­ton) as he tries to clear his name of rob­bery and mur­der charges. (1946)
  • Three Steps NorthFree — After a prison sen­tence an Amer­i­can GI sta­tioned in Italy (Lloyd Bridges) dis­cov­ers that his hid­den loot has dis­ap­peared and goes search­ing for it. Direct­ed by W. Lee Wilder. (1951)
  • Time Table — Free — After the theft of $500,000 in a care­ful­ly exe­cut­ed train rob­bery, an insur­ance inves­ti­ga­tor (Mark Stevens, who also dou­bled as direc­tor and pro­duc­er) is forced to can­cel a planned vaca­tion with his wife to assist a rail­road detec­tive in iden­ti­fy­ing the cul­prits and recov­er­ing the mon­ey. Alter­nate ver­sion here. (1956)
  • Too Late for Tears – Free – Direct­ed by Byron Haskin and based on a nov­el by Roy Hug­gins, Too Late for Tears is pure noir. (1949)
  • Trapped Free — Star­ring Lloyd Bridges and Bar­bara Pay­ton, the plot of this B noir film turns around a coun­ter­feit­ing ring. (1949)
  • Walk The Dark StreetFree — An Army offi­cer and a hunter engage in a sim­u­lat­ed man­hunt with one using real bul­lets in Los Ange­les. (1956)
  • Whis­per­ing CityFree — A Cana­di­an noir, direct­ed by Fyo­dor Otsep, star­ring Paul Lukas and Mary Ander­son. (1947)
  • Whis­tle Stop Free — Buy DVD – A noir flic with Ava Gard­ner. Love tri­an­gle leads to mur­der. (1946)
  • Woman on the Run Free — After Frank John­son (Ross Elliott) is the sole wit­ness to a gang­land mur­der, he goes into hid­ing and is trailed by Police Inspec­tor Fer­ris (Robert Kei­th), his wife, Eleanor (Ann Sheri­dan), and news­pa­per­man, Dan­ny Leggett (Den­nis O’Keefe). (1950)

For more free films, please vis­it our big col­lec­tion of Free Movies Online.

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