Kung Fu & Martial Arts Movies Online


  • Black Fist — Free — To make mon­ey, a Los Ange­les street-fight­­er goes to work for gang­sters. (1975)
  • Blood on the Sun — Free — Star­ring James Cagney and Sylvia Sid­ney, the film is based on a fic­tion­al his­to­ry behind the Tana­ka Memo­r­i­al doc­u­ment. Won the Acad­e­my Award for Best Art Direc­tion for a Black & White film. (1945)
  • Bruce Lee Fights Back From The GraveFree — Bru­ce­ploita­tion movie star­ring Bruce Lee imper­son­ator and tae kwon do instruc­tor Jun Chong (using the name Bruce K.L. Lea). (1976)
  • Bruce Lee the Invin­ci­bleFree — Bruce Li with his mas­ter goes to Sin­ga­pore to stop a kung-fu mas­ter named Cheng. (1977)
  • Four Rob­bersFree — Cheap Hong Kong action film which rides the late 80s hero­ic blood­shed wave and, says kungfumovieguide.com “rips off (main­ly) films like A Bet­ter Tomor­row and City on Fire, only with­out any of the same qual­i­ty.” (1987)
  • Guy With Secret Kung FuFree — Two broth­ers put their kung fu skills to the test and do bat­tle with dis­hon­est judges, pow­er­ful war­lords, and giant zom­bies, all in the name of end­ing the oppres­sion of the Ching Dynasty. (1980)
  • Heroes of ShaolinFree — Direct­ed by William Chang. Like many kung fu movies from the late 1970s, the main theme of the film focus­es on revenge.
  • La Dialec­tique Peut-Elle Cass­er Des Briques? (Can Dialec­tics Break Bricks?) - Free — A French Sit­u­a­tion­ist film pro­duced by René Viénet which explores the devel­op­ment of class con­flict through rev­o­lu­tion­ary agi­ta­tion against a back­drop of graph­ic kung-fu fight­ing. (1973)
  • Lady Whirl­windFree — Some­times called Deep Thrust. Here’s the plot: Tien arrives in town look­ing to exact revenge on Ling for aban­don­ing her preg­nant sis­ter and thus dri­ving the sis­ter to com­mit sui­cide. Although Tien agrees to help Ling take down the leader of a local gam­bling syn­di­cate, she nonethe­less still plans to avenge her sis­ter’s death which she holds Ling respon­si­ble for. (1973)
  • Leg­end of the Eight Samu­rai — Free — A Japan­ese his­tor­i­cal mar­tial arts fan­ta­sy film star­ring Son­ny Chi­ba and direct­ed by Kin­ji Fukasaku. The script is adapt­ed from a 1982 nov­el Shin Sato­mi Hakkenden by Toshio Kama­ta, a loose rework­ing of the epic ser­i­al Nan­sō Sato­mi Hakkenden by Kyokutei Bakin. (1983)
  • Mas­ter of the Fly­ing Guil­lo­tineFree — A Tai­wanese wux­ia film star­ring Jim­my Wang Yu, who also wrote and direct­ed the film. It is a sequel to Wang’s 1971 film One Armed Box­er, and thus the film is also known as One-Armed Box­er 2. (1976)
  • Nin­ja Death Tril­o­gyFree — The entire Nin­ja Death Tril­o­gy. Four hours of non stop action. (1987)
  • Return of Kung Fu Drag­onFree — Son­ny Chi­ba stars again as the dead­ly mar­tial arts mer­ce­nary Taku­ma Tsu­ru­gi in a movie where he must bat­tle against the Yakuza because of a deal gone bad. (1976)
  • Return of the Street Fight­erFree — Taku­ma “Ter­ry” Tsu­ru­gi returns. In this sequel to The Street Fight­er, he sets out to bust up a pho­ny char­i­ty put togeth­er by the Yukuza. (1974)
  • Shaolin Tem­pleFree — Oth­er­wise called Death Cham­bers, it is one of the Shaolin Tem­­ple-themed mar­tial arts films and con­cerns their rebel­lion against the Qings. Stars David Chi­ang, Ti Lung, and Fu Sheng. (1976)
  • Sis­ter Street­fight­erFree — Clas­sic grind­house karate film star­ring Sue Shi­ho­mi. (1974)
  • Spir­its of Bruce LeeFree — Richard Lee res­cues a young Thai box­er on his way to Wansen which is a small town with strange cus­toms.
  • The Big FightFree — The Japan­ese oppress the Chi­nese dur­ing WW‑2, until resis­tance breaks out. Stars Tien Peng, Yee Yuen, Che­ung Ching Ching, and Blacky Ko. (1972)
  • The Image of Bruce LeeFree — 70s action film about Bruce Li as a spe­cial agent who teams with a Hong Kong police offi­cer to crack a smug­gling ring. Apart from the title, the only thing this film has to do with Bruce Lee is when some­one tells the Bruce Li char­ac­ter that he resem­bles Lee. (1978)
  • The Real Bruce LeeFree — This mar­tial arts doc­u­men­tary begins with a brief biog­ra­phy of Bruce Lee, and shows scenes from four of his child­hood films, Bad Boy, Orphan Sam, Kid Che­ung, and The Car­ni­val, each sepia-toned and dubbed to Eng­lish. (1979)
  • The Street Fight­erFree — One of Quentin Taran­ti­no’s favorite karate films, and 13# on his list of 20 great Grind­house films. Star­ring Son­ny Chi­ba, the film was the first to get an X rat­ing for vio­lence. (1974)
  • The Street Fight­er’s Last Revenge — Free — A mar­tial arts film and the third in a series start­ing with The Street Fight­er star­ring Son­ny Chi­ba. (1974)
  • TNT Jack­sonFree — A young karate expert search­es for her broth­er’s killer in Hong Kong. (1975)

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