European Paintings: From Leonardo to Rembrandt to Goya–A Free Online Course from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)

From the Uni­ver­si­dad Car­los III de Madrid (UC3M) comes Euro­pean Paint­ings: From Leonar­do to Rem­brandt to Goya, which the uni­ver­si­ty describes as fol­lows:

The goal of this course is to help stu­dents become famil­iar with the lead­ing Euro­pean painters and paint­ings from approx­i­mate­ly 1400 to 1800, and with the issues that found expres­sion in the art of paint­ing. Includ­ed in this broad time­frame are artists of the impor­tance of Leonar­do da Vin­ci, Car­avag­gio, Velázquez, Rem­brandt, Ver­meer or Goya. Painters dur­ing this peri­od were con­cerned with ideas such as the pur­suit of beau­ty, the plea­sures and pains asso­ci­at­ed with love, the demon­stra­tion of pow­er and sta­tus, or the rela­tion­ship of men and women to the divin­i­ty and to nature. In paint­ings from the peri­od cov­ered in this course we find traces of the emer­gence of the mod­ern mind set, and infor­ma­tion on issues such as the respec­tive roles of women and men in the world. The class­es will focus on images of paint­ings by the artists list­ed in the course syl­labus. The dis­cus­sions that will take place in the “course forum” will allow us to touch upon a broad­er range of issues.

You can take Euro­pean Paint­ings: From Leonar­do to Rem­brandt to Goya for free by select­ing the audit option upon enroll­ment. If you want to take the course for a cer­tifi­cate, you will need to pay a fee.

Euro­pean Paint­ings: From Leonar­do to Rem­brandt to Goya will be added to our list, 1,700 Free Online Cours­es from Top Uni­ver­si­ties.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Free Course: An Intro­duc­tion to the Art of the Ital­ian Renais­sance

14 Paris Muse­ums Put 300,000 Works of Art Online: Down­load Clas­sics by Mon­et, Cézanne & More

The Art of Europe’s For­got­ten Avant-Garde Artists Now Dig­i­tized and Put Online

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.