Nobody likes a despot — even despots know it. But actuÂalÂly idenÂtiÂfyÂing despoÂtism can pose a cerÂtain difÂfiÂculÂty — which despots also know, and they’d sureÂly like to keep it that way. Hence EncyÂcloÂpeÂdia BriÂtanÂniÂca’s DespoÂtism, a ten-minute Erpi ClassÂroom Film on how a counÂtry slides into that eponyÂmous state. It uses the examÂple of Nazi GerÂmany (which might strike us today as the most obviÂous one but back in 1946 must have felt almost too fresh), but genÂerÂalÂizes the conÂcept by lookÂing back into more disÂtant hisÂtoÂry, as far as Louis XIV’s immorÂtal remark, “L’éÂtat, c’est moi.”
“You can roughÂly locate any comÂmuÂniÂty in the world someÂwhere along a scale runÂning all the way from democÂraÂcy to despoÂtism,” says DespoÂtism’s stanÂdard-issue manÂnered narÂraÂtor before turnÂing it over to a stanÂdard-issue sack-suitÂed and BrylÂcreemed expert. And how can we know where our own sociÂety places on that scale? “Well, for one,” says the expert, “avoid the comÂfortÂable idea that the mere form of govÂernÂment can of itself safeÂguard a nation against despoÂtism.” The film introÂduces a series of sub-scales usable to gauge a comÂmuÂniÂty’s despotÂic potenÂtial: the respect scale, the powÂer scale, the ecoÂnomÂic disÂtriÂbÂuÂtion scale, and the inforÂmaÂtion scale.
The respect scale meaÂsures “how many citÂiÂzens get an even break,” and on the despotÂic end, “comÂmon courÂtesy is withÂheld from large groups of peoÂple on account of their politÂiÂcal attiÂtudes; if peoÂple are rude to othÂers because they think their wealth and posiÂtion gives them that right, or because they don’t like a man’s race or his reliÂgion.” The powÂer scale “gauges the citÂiÂzen’s share in makÂing the comÂmuÂniÂty’s deciÂsions. ComÂmuÂniÂties which conÂcenÂtrate deciÂsion makÂing in a few hands rate low on a powÂer scale and are movÂing towards despoÂtism,” and even “today democÂraÂcy can ebb away in comÂmuÂniÂties whose citÂiÂzens allow powÂer to become conÂcenÂtratÂed in the hands of bossÂes.”
The ecoÂnomÂic disÂtriÂbÂuÂtion scale turns into a warnÂing sign when a sociÂety’s “ecoÂnomÂic disÂtriÂbÂuÂtion becomes slantÂed, its midÂdle income groups grow smallÂer and despoÂtism stands a betÂter chance to gain a foothold.” If “the conÂcenÂtraÂtion of land ownÂerÂship in the hands of a very small numÂber of peoÂple” and “conÂtrol of jobs and busiÂness opporÂtuÂniÂties is in a few hands, despoÂtism stands a good chance.” So it also does in a sociÂety which rates low on the inforÂmaÂtion scale, where “the press, radio, and othÂer chanÂnels of comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion are conÂtrolled by only a few peoÂple and when citÂiÂzens have to accept what they are told,” a process that renÂders its citÂiÂzens ultiÂmateÂly unable to evalÂuÂate claims and ideas for themÂselves.
The oppoÂsite of despoÂtism, so DespoÂtism proÂposÂes, is democÂraÂcy, a type of govÂernÂment explained in the preÂviÂous year’s Erpi ClassÂroom Film of that name. GerÂmany, a repubÂlic where once “an aggresÂsive despoÂtism took root and flourÂished under Adolf Hitler,” now perÂforms admirably on the respect, powÂer, ecoÂnomÂic disÂtriÂbÂuÂtion, and inforÂmaÂtion scales — not perÂfectÂly, of course, but no counÂtry can ever comÂpleteÂly escape the threat of despoÂtism. Much about the econÂoÂmy and the nature of inforÂmaÂtion may have changed over the past 70 years, but nothÂing about respect and powÂer have. WhichevÂer sociÂety we live in, and wherÂevÂer on the specÂtrum between democÂraÂcy and despoÂtism it now stands, we’ll do well to keep an eye on the scales. Both films were made by EncyÂcloÂpeÂdia BriÂtanÂniÂca, in conÂjuncÂtion with Yale UniÂverÂsiÂty’s then promiÂnent politÂiÂcal sciÂenÂtist Harold LassÂwell.
via BoingÂBoÂing
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DonÂald Duck’s Bad Nazi Dream and Four OthÂer DisÂney ProÂpaÂganÂda CarÂtoons from World War II
George Orwell’s Final WarnÂing: Don’t Let This NightÂmare SitÂuÂaÂtion HapÂpen. It Depends on You!
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Based in Seoul, ColÂin MarÂshall writes and broadÂcasts on cities and culÂture. He’s at work on a book about Los AngeÂles, A Los AngeÂles Primer, the video series The City in CinÂeÂma, the crowdÂfundÂed jourÂnalÂism project Where Is the City of the Future?, and the Los AngeÂles Review of Books’ Korea Blog. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall or on FaceÂbook.